Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowships at Purdue Engineering in USA, 2019 - Applied Scholarships

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Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowships at Purdue Engineering in USA, 2019

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Applications are invited for The Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowships at Purdue Engineering in the USA. Fellowships are available for international students.

The goal of the Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Purdue Engineering is to attract and prepare outstanding individuals with recently awarded PhDs for a career in engineering academia through interdisciplinary research, training, and professional development.

About Scholarship Provider: Purdue University is a public research university in West Lafayette, Indiana, and the flagship campus of the Purdue University system. The university was founded in 1869 after Lafayette businessman John Purdue donated land and money to establish a college of science, technology, and agriculture in his name.

Degree Level: Fellowships are available to pursue postdoctoral programme.

Available Subject: Fellowships are awarded to study different research areas.

Scholarship Benefits: Gilbreth Fellows are appointed for a two-year term, and receive an annual stipend of $60,000 and benefits. A $5,000 grant is also provided for professional development such as attending conferences or workshops and is mentored for their future academic careers through a variety of programs.

Eligible Nationalities: Fellowships are available for international students.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Individuals who have either completed their PhD within two years of the Fellowship application deadline or are in the final year of their PhD program in engineering or related sciences at the time of application can apply.

Note: A candidate’s Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowship co-advisor(s) cannot include their PhD thesis advisor(s).

Application Procedure:

The Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellows will be selected by a panel of distinguished faculty based on their CV, letters of recommendations, and potential for broader impact on industry and society, and proposed research.

For future reference, application materials include an application and the following items:
  1. Cover letter describing how the Gilbreth Fellowship will help the candidate’s progress toward their goals in engineering academia.
  2. Curriculum Vitae including list of publications.
  3. One-page research statement that includes goals and significance of proposed interdisciplinary work and suggests potential Purdue engineering faculty members who can be co-advisors.
  4. A one-page essay on their proposed broader impact through education/outreach/engagement.
  5. Three letters of recommendation that include detailed assessments of (a) the candidate’s qualifications and (b) potential for success in academia through scholarly research and broader impact through research/education/engagement.

Applicants should upload the cover letter, curriculum vita, research statement and impact statement as a single .pdf file via our application form.

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